romance babyyy (feminism in dating)

i wrote this in fury. i want to believe that i am wrong, i want to be proven wrong.

as a lovely, driven, successful woman i have very rarely been pleased with a man biding for my affection. part of it is that i would let myself into relationships with men who did not deserve it, but to be fair to myself,  my choices were products of everything i have been told as a woman.

finally i have matured and learned enough to be picky as hell. and tada that means im single because damn, for the life of me i cant find a man deserving.

i just want some romance baby

romance: courting with respect, being giving and loving 



dating is obnoxious. all men do is shorten my life and waste my time. i would enjoy some male company and deserve some pampering, but at what cost honestly.

unless you are vigilant and demanding of the treatment you deserve you will never get it.

men are children and will do as little as possible and expect everything from women. Ive had endless men who think just being a friend entitles them to my love and my body. Men only like feminism when it benefits them, when we ask for equality rather than equity and they expect us to  ‘be independent’ which translates in reality to us paying half or more, doing endless emotional labor, keeping things in order, bills paid, house clean, etc. I deserve equity.

As women we are raised up to raise men, to teach them, to take care of them, and on the other side of the coin, to be constantly on guard against them. We live in this world caring ridiculously about our appearance and weight and makeup, paying through our teeth to be taken seriously. I  am constantly proving myself to men, that i can do the job ive gotten a degree for and worked my ass off for, that I can weight lift correctly after training with a certified trainer for over a year, that i know literally anything about anything. Any emotion in men is respected (case and point Kavanaugh), whereas women are considered hysterical. I have to learn self-defense, i have to carry a knife and pepper spray, i have to constantly be aware; and even still i cant walk out at night. not even in our own houses do we feel safe sometimes.

even walking in the daytime men will yell at us. many men are bigger and feel as though they are entitled to women. even with hate in their heart, and bile erupting from their stomach most women cannot ensure their own safety. I should not have to spend my life and money in the gym and fight classes and gun stores to be able to exist with less fear.

women constantly have to use our wit and sex appeal to survive. we all know we cannot aggravate, rebuke, or even just ignore a man or cat caller, without risk.

women deal with this every single fucking day and men think feminism means we should give more? bull shit
we deserve equity.

and this is from a white feminist, the world is even more cruel and taxing for our sisters of color

we deserve to be paid for and pampered. splitting a bill doesnt level the playing field it drags us further down, none of our suffering changes, just now we pay in more ways

having a wife statistically improves a mans quality of life as well as lengthens it

you are fucking blessed if a woman will allow you to treat her, if you dont want to work and give you should waste your own time, not mine.


if yall still think im fucking w you,  think about your past relationships:

i was taught traditional values and incorrect white feminism, my first boyfriend couldnt be bothered to do anything for me but give me bad compliments occasionally. he couldnt be bothered to take me on any date. i had and have every good quality in the world and still every date with that man i drove and i paid. I was a queen but i was letting him leech and being an idiot in that regard. and ever since then almost anytime i have put effort into dating ive been met with men trying to do as little as possible to get my attention and to get my body. even my best boyfriend didnt appreciate the goddess that was devoted to him, imagine.   if there is one thing men have in surplus its the audacity.


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